Approving requests for school access is easy and helps ensure that only authorized folks can access your school data.

Find the Request

  1. Go to Accounts & Requests
  2. You'll see all the open requests listed.
  3. If you want to find a specific request, you can search by name.

Review the Request

  1. The level of requested access is under "Requested Access."
  2. If someone has incorrectly added Staff or Administrative access to their request, you can remove it with the blue X. You may also see any notes the parent or guardian added to their request.

<aside> 📓 Note: For more details on what permissions are granted to each role, see User Roles.


Approve a Request

  1. Once the correct level of access is displayed, click Approve

  2. If parent access is selected, you'll need to add the correct student or students to the user.

  3. To add their students, find the student by searching by name and check the box next to their name

  4. Once all of the guardian's students are selected, click Save.

Reject a Request

  1. To completely reject the request if the person is unknown, click the red X.